In today’s technology-driven world, your business is dependent of the software and technology you use to run it. That’s why finding the right IT consulting partner is crucial for the overall success and growth of your business.
Whether you are looking for setup support, cybersecurity checks, to streamline your operations, or a full partnership that covers it all, the right IT team can make a world of difference. But with hundreds of IT consulting companies out there, finding the one that’s the best fit for your team can be a daunting task. You want to partner with the most experienced team possible, but you also want them to understand your vision and be willing to collaborate and work with you to reach your goals.
In this guide, we go through five of the main topics you should consider when digging through IT service partners to help you make the most informed decision possible. These will help you more thoroughly vet each company, while getting a better feel for how they operate and what value they will bring to your business.
When looking to hire an IT consulting company, the first thing you need to do is understand what your own needs – and wants – are. This will ensure that you are giving IT teams a proper scope of what you’re looking for so you can find a better skillset and services match.
Some questions to ask yourself as you figure that out can be:
Having an idea of your company goals – especially in regard to IT, software, and technology – can also make it easier to know if you’re looking for a short- or long-term IT partnership.
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Possibly one of the most crucial factors when finding the right IT consulting partner for your business is their experience. The work they have done previously, their team members’ skillsets, and their overall approach to IT will determine if they can properly handle the work you need them to do.
Reviewing their portfolio and case studies is a great way to get a feel for that experience. As you’re reading through those, here are some key things to look for:
Pay special attention to what industry their clients work in. When hiring an IT partner, you want to trust that they understand your business fully. Part of that means knowing your industry, how it operates, and the unique challenges you face. If they have zero experience with other companies in your field, the learning curve of getting them up to speed might be a reason to go with another firm.
As you’re evaluating their experience, also look for the scope of technology and services they typically use. You want a partner who is well-versed with multiple systems and platforms, as well as different software, so they can give you the best advice possible rather than talking you down a path because it’s the only one they are comfortable with.
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Just like in all other aspects of life, communication is key to a successful partnership with your IT consultant team. And while it can be hard to know if your communication styles align until you’re already working together, you can figure out some basics ahead of time to see if they might be a good fit.
When questioning an IT company’s communication process and if it would be a good match with your team, here are four top things to look for:
Money is still a major determining factor in finding the right IT consultancy company – no matter how much you might like it. That means figuring out early in the process how much they are going to charge you and what you’re getting out of paying that money.
Most IT consulting companies will build packages based on hours worked, services covered, or a combination of both. If you are wanting a full-service IT team to handle all the setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting for your company, it might be best to look for a company that has an all-inclusive package and bills you on either a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. But if you only need a few specific services or assistance on one project, paying for hours worked might be more cost efficient for you.
Ultimately, you want to know what cost to expect each billing cycle, how unexpected charges are handled, and what you are getting out of the money you pay. And with that, you want an IT company with flexible contract options so that the price point and plan can shift along with your needs.
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At the end of the day, the IT consulting company you hire plays a large role in how well your business operates. Because of that, you want to work with a team that truly aligns with you, your team, and your company. This means that they understand your business, your needs, and your goals and are going to do whatever they can to make them happen.
You want an IT team that is going to make working with them a collaborative experience – meaning they will explain what they are doing, how it’s going to benefit your business, and are eager to hear your feedback and let that guide their direction.
Truly the biggest part of it all is if the vibe feels right between the two of you. Do you get along with their team? Are they easy to work with? Do they make your job and life easier? If the answer to any of the questions is “no,” then they likely are not the right IT team for you.
While finding the right IT consulting partner for your business is still no easy feat, using these five topics as your guiding tool should make the process less stressful and more enjoyable.
With our own team of IT experts, we have the experience, skill set, and resources to tackle any IT problem you may be facing. Whether you need a cyber-security overhaul, new devices or software setup, or the full package, our team is ready to boost your business! Check out our IT services here, and send us a message when you are ready to start getting to know each other!