Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023


Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023

Staying safe online has become an almost constant thought and practice for our world. We know the types of threats out there and know we must take active steps to avoid falling prey to scams. But with how reliant we are on technology and the internet, it’s easy to fall into a false sense of security.


That’s why every October we recognize Cybersecurity Awareness Month. For these 31 days, companies and organizations share tips and information on the importance of cybersecurity and why it matters to you.


From the individual level up to the biggest companies, everyone can be impacted by scams, hacks, and data breaches. And while there is no fool-proof way to secure your information and systems to avoid these threats entirely, there are some basic things you can do to help minimize your risk.


Here are a few of our top tips to keep in mind this Cybersecurity Awareness Month and beyond:


Logins – You know to use strong passwords and to not repeat them for every account you have, but there are added safety measures you can use to keep your accounts safe. Make sure you have two-factor authentication turned on so it’s harder for people to gain access to accounts that shouldn’t have it. Make good use of security questions as well. Use ones that aren’t easily guessed or figured out through your social media profiles.


Updates – Make sure all your devices and software are up to date. Whether it’s your phone, tablet, computer, or even internal technology and websites, the older the operating system, the easier it is for hackers to get in.


Secure Internet – While you might want to connect to the free or public Wi-Fi wherever you go to avoid using data, these usually aren’t secure connections. This means it’s easy for anyone to gain access to whatever you’re doing while using that internet, including getting into accounts you log in to. So, make sure whatever internet and browsers you’re using are private and secure before you put in any personal information.

Doing these things seems simple – and they are. But don’t let that simplicity make you think they aren’t important. Taking a little extra time to put these additional safety measures in place can help you avoid having your accounts hacked, your information stolen, or falling prey to scams.

How We Can Help

While these cybersecurity tips might seem more directed to the individual level, they’re also important for businesses. If you need help securing your software and devices for your company, hire IT experts from Wepro Solutions whoe will take care of your needs. We’ll help protect your private information and keep your software strong so you’re less likely to have phishing scams or other issues worm their way in. Reach out to us any time and let our team get to work!

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